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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Black Men make babies and Run! New Laws trying to crack down now!

Campaign to Launch Against Men Who 'Have Sex and Run'

By Eryn Sun | Christian Post Reporter

A new epidemic is permeating the culture today: fatherlessness.

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Shocking statistics reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reveal that 41 percent of all U.S. children are born to unmarried mothers.
In the black community, 72.3 percent of all children are born in homes without fathers, compared with 35.7 percent of white children.
The crisis of fatherlessness is sparking much concern among pro-life organizations, which seek to change these overwhelming figures and educate the public about what they say is “the most missing component of the national abortion debate: fathers!”
In collaboration with the Issues4Life FoundationThe Radiance Foundation has started a new billboard and website campaign entitled “Fatherhood Begins in the Womb!” featured on, a website dedicated to teaching the public about abortion’s impact on the African-American community.
According to a statement, the movement hopes to detail the culture of abandonment that abortion has created by revealing the statistics of fatherlessness, single-parent poverty and the deterioration of married households in order to stop the destructive trend.
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“Fatherhood begins in the womb and doesn’t end until you enter the tomb,” the organization affirmed, reiterating the words of President Barack Obama, who previously stated in a Father’s Day speech, “fatherhood doesn’t end at conception.”
“When a man has sex with a woman, he is consenting to being a father,” Walter B. Hoye II, President of the Issues4Life Foundation, said in a press release. “We want to emphasize the biblical requirement and vital need for men to be involved as providers and protectors when ‘life’ happens.”
There is no excuse for men who choose to have sex and then avoid any and all responsibility for the natural result of sexual activity: life, the Foundation declared.
“Too many men have abdicated their responsibility in the home,” La Verne Tolbert, a former New YorkCity Planned Parenthood Board Member, said in a statement.
“The pervasiveness of a fatherless society is the tragic result of this moral decline,” Tolbert, who is now part of the Black Pro-Life Coalition, added. “Today’s alarming abortion rates demonstrate the need for men to once again become the protectors of their children and the guardians of their families.”
Abortion has taken the place of fathers, The Radiance Foundation claims, adding that an unborn child without a father’s presence is the most likely to die.
While the foundation acknowledged that many single parents did all that they could to raise and love their children, it also declared "the simple truth [was] that single-parenthood [was] not the best situation for our children, for our future."
The foundation noted, “The majority of social science studies prove that traditional marriage, between a man and a woman, provides the most stable environment for a child economically, emotionally, educationally, physically and spiritually.”
Children without fathers in the home are twice as likely to drop out of school and are at a much higher risk of incarceration, drug use, teenage pregnancy and continuing cycle of poverty, the foundation’s website stated.
But fathers aren’t the only ones to blame. The government also failed to help unborn children with the Roe v. Wade decision.
“Men have been empowered by Roe v. Wade to have sex and run,” said Ryan Bomberger, Chief Creative Officer of The Radiance Foundation and creator of the campaigns. “They’ve been forced out of their crucial role by perpetual welfare and today’s brand of liberal feminism.”
Roe v. Wade was a controversial decision by the United States Supreme Court that gave a woman the right to terminate her pregnancy in the first trimester under the due process clause in the Fourteenth Amendment, protecting privacy in family matters.
“Every man is completely powerless, thanks to the anti-family, anti-life Roe v. Wade decision, to defend the life he is 50 percent responsible for, biologically, emotionally, materially, and spiritually,” the website states. “They’ve either chosen to run away from their role or have been forced out by a brand of liberal feminism that spews gender animus in an effort to elevate women. No one is elevated by 41 percent of all U.S. children being born to unmarried mothers.”
Mothers should never be left to play both roles, the website adds. The moment a child is conceived, a mother and father are born as well.
“Fathers possess great power to protect life or destroy it,” Christina Marie Martin, the Director of Bound4Life Atlanta, said in a statement.
The “Fatherhood Begins in the Womb” billboards are currently up in Sacramento. A press conference will be held for the campaign on at 9 a.m. Saturday at the Capitol Mall in Sacramento.
Screening of the “Maafa21” documentary, a film exposing the history of racism and eugenics of Planned Parenthood, will immediately follow the press conference as well.
For information on the campaign, click here.

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